
منحة دراسية في بريطانيا للمغاربة سلك الماستر جميع المصاريف ممولة من طرف الجامعة

منحة دراسية في بريطانيا للمغاربة سلك الماستر جميع المصاريف ممولة من طرف الجامعة

يسرنا أن نقدم لكم معلومات حول منحة دراسية في بريطانيا موجهة للطلبة المغاربة. وتخول هذه المنحة الدراسية للطلبة متابعة الدراسية بسلك الماستر مع مجموعة من الامتيازات.

طريقة الاستفادة من منحة دراسية في بريطانيا 2023/2024

ننتقل الان الى معرفة كل التفاصيل حول طريقة الاستفادة من منحة دراسية في بريطانيا. المعلومات تجدونها باللغة الفرنسية في فقرات هذا الموضوع.

منحة دراسية في بريطانيا
منحة دراسية في بريطانيا

Bourses Royaume-Uni Programme Chevening 2023. Le Royaume-Uni octroie dans le cadre du Programme
Chevening, des bourses d’études cycle Master 2023-2024.

Chevening in Morocco

It doesn’t matter where you’re from, it’s where you’re going that counts.

Open for applications until 1 November 2022, at 12:00 (GMT)

Applications for 2023/2024 are now open!

Chevening is the UK government’s international scholarships programme. Funded by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and partner organisations, we offer awards to study in the UK for one year on a fully funded master’s degree course.

Successful candidates come from a diverse range of countries and backgrounds, but they all demonstrate the passion, vision and skills needed to shape a better world.

There are many benefits to being selected, including fully funded tuition fees, access to some of the best quality education in the world, exclusive networking opportunities, and the chance to explore the UK’s diverse culture.

At the end of your scholarship, you’ll join our diverse community of over 50,000 global alumni. You’ll return home equipped with the knowledge and networks to bring your ideas to life and thrive in your career.

It doesn’t matter where you come from. It’s where you’re going that counts.

Required documents

All Chevening applicants must submit their education documents, references, and one unconditional UK university offer. The deadlines for these required documents are in the Chevening application timeline. Use the ‘update my application’ button above to upload them.

If you are conditionally selected, it is essential that you submit these documents in order to remain in the process.

Selection updates and timelines

You will receive email updates about your application status at each step of the selection process. You can also check your status on the online application system. Log in using your registration details. Take a look at the Chevening application timeline and our FAQs for a better understanding of the upcoming stages of the selection process.


Due to the large number of applications received each year, we are unable to provide individual application status updates or feedback to unsuccessful applicants. Please do not contact your British embassy or high commission with application enquiries.

Application guidance

You may wish to review our guidance to help you with the next steps.



What is included?

As Chevening Scholarships are fully-funded, your award includes the following:

university tuition fees

a monthly stipend

travel costs to and from the UK

an arrival allowance

a homeward departure allowance

the cost of one visa application

a travel grant to attend Chevening events in the UK

How to apply

We recommend that you review the following pages to help you prepare your application:




Work experience

For information about the application and selection process, visit the application timeline and frequently asked questions.

Notice: We have been made aware of agencies offering assistance on C h e v e n i n g Scholarship applications for a fee. We can confirm that these agencies are not approved or endorsed by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, the Association of Commonwealth Universities, or the Chevening Secretariat. We advise potential applicants against the use of these services in the strongest possible terms. Use of a paid for service for C h e v e n i n g applications is not permitted.

شروط الاستفادة من منحة دراسية في بريطانيا

Bourses Royaume-Uni Programme Chevening 2023

Le Royaume-Uni octroie dans le cadre du Programme Chevening, des bourses d’études d’une durée d’un an dans le cycle Master, aux étudiants internationaux, au titre de l’année académique 2023-2024.

Conditions d’éligibilité

 Avoir un diplôme de Licence ou équivalent

 Avoir au moins deux ans d’expérience professionnelle

 Retourner au Maroc pour une période d’au moins deux ans, après la fin de la bourse


 Exemption des frais de scolarité

 Allocation mensuelle de subsistance

 Billet d’avion aller-retour

 Allocations supplémentaires pour couvrir les dépenses essentielles

NB. : Après soumission de votre candidature en ligne, comme mentionné cidessus, vous êtes prié d’envoyer, pour information, une copie de votre dossier à la Direction de la Coopération et du Partenariat à travers l’adresse
suivante : [email protected] (Prière de mentionner dans l’objet de votre mail le titre suivant : Bourse Chevening 2023-2024)

Date limite de candidature 1 novembre 2022

Candidature en ligne ici

Pour plus d’informations veuillez consulter le guide de candidature sur le lien :

مواضيع ذات صلة

فرصة عمل في بولندا بتمويل كامل مرتب شهري والإقامة

مقالات ذات صلة

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